Worn Identities project

This is a project in the Next Nature theme. The objective in short is: design a wearable, which helps to express ones identity.

I had trouble to arrange enough time for the main project, because other activities have more frequent deadlines. For the next semester I will have to work on my time management and force myself to make time free for the longterm activities.


This assignment is about teaching various skills in the designing of visual information. I really learned a lot from this assignment. The way of learning is totally new to me, being a premaster. Especially the reflecting part is something I have to get accustomed to.

It was nice to see the different approaches from everyone and although it is tiring to listen and watch for such a long time, I think it was useful for me to help understand the meaning of the feedback regarding my work.

I also liked the theory parts of the assignment. Very compact presentations, to the point.

After learning a lot of useful things about Designing Visual Information, I want to learn more about designing dynamic visual information, such as interactive web interfaces.

Please take a look the report for more information about this activity by clicking the report button below.


INFORMATION assignment

Creative Programming assignment

During this assignment, I’ve learned about programming static and interactive visuals. There were two moments of delivering. The result of the first deliverable is portrayed in the background. The result of the second deliverable is shown in this video. I made a program that responds to an external input device, a potentiometer. The potentiometer is connected to a Arduino board. The hard part was the communication between Arduino and Processing. I learned how to translate serial data into data that I can use to make something happen in Processing.





Intelligent Products assignment

This assignment is about getting acquainted with the basics of learning algorithms and use these algorithms to solve a chosen design problem. First we did a project together in class. Then I did a project on my own, which contributes to my main project. By using the neural network algorithm, I made the algorithm distinguish audio samples from two different situations.

My assignor describes a very good improvement in integrating technology in her feedback, but there is also critique. On my academic writing for instance.

ARDUINO extra curricular

During the first quartile I worked together with Lennard Bunk on Arduino. This is an extra curricular activity in the Integrating Technology competency, next to the two assignments I followed in this competency area.

This video shows the projects we have done.


We started with the examples from Arduino. Begin simple and step by step we gained more insight. During the SDL-weeks we worked on a bigger project. We built a car that drives preprogrammed. The difficulty is the external power source. It complicates the electronic circuit. The motor needs an external power source, because the Arduino cannot deliver enough to power te motor.




Future Newspaper extra curricular

The future newspaper is another extra curricular activity. With a group of students we made this newspaper about our space. The newspaper was handed out throughout the faculty. This activity was a little bit at the expense of my main activities. I think the plan was ambitious and we achieved to deliver a great piece of work. I am responsible for the interview with Jasper van Gestel on page 9.

Click below on the (pdf) button to see the whole newspaper.